
for Home Care Package Clients

At Coast Physiotherapy, we have cared for Home Clients on the Central Coast for over 15 years.
We offer physiotherapy, rehabilitation and a range of exercise services under the Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) and Home Care Packages (HCP).
These services are available to people who have a CHSP or HCP and need physiotherapy to assist and help manage their condition to assist in continuing to live and home and independently.
HCP's follow a consumer-directed care approach, giving you choice, flexibility and control over various aspects of your service. This approach ensures the service suits your needs and goals.
To request a home appointment on the Central Coast using a Home Care Package call us on 1300 71 25 20 or complete an enquiry online.
CHSP and HCP physiotherapy can benefit people to help manage their condition and live independently and actively. This may include:
Common conditions such as arthritis, osteoporosis
Chronic conditions causing limitations such as heart disease and cancer
Neurological conditions including stroke and Parkinson’s disease
Alzheimer's and Vascular Dementia and related physical decline.
Falls assessment and balance re-training.
Conditions such as post surgery, back pain or joint pain.
Physiotherapy under the CHSP and HCP can be for ongoing conditions or short-term management of acute conditions. Following the initial assessment, your physiotherapist will develop an individual one page plan based on your needs and goals to maintain your independence
Following your initial appointment, our physiotherapists will develop an individualised one page treatment plan outlining the type of physiotherapy required, duration and frequency of recommended treatment and costings to maintain your independence.
The cost of Home Care Package physiotherapy will depend on your specific needs. Most physiotherapy services can be fully covered by your Home Care package.
How Coast Physiotherapy can help:
1. Eligible seniors get approved for a Home Care Package (HCP) and sign up with a HCP provider – a 3rd party company that manages the HCP budget.
​2. The HCP provider will assign a manager to assess your needs and refer appropriate service providers such as Coast Physiotherapy.
3. The HCP manager will coordinate physio assessment, goal plans and treatments with Coast Physiotherapy. (Alternatively, you can communicate directly with us and we can help you to get started.)
4. Our physio will then attend the initial appointment and listen closely to what pain / health concerns our client has, along with conducting a thorough assessment.
5. After the initial assessment the physio will create a detailed goal plan that includes:
Meaningful goals the client is wanting to achieve
What the physio and the client will be working on together to reach these goals
How many sessions the physio recommends along with a review date of when they hope the client will achieve these goals by.
6. We then send this goal plan to the clients HCP manager for approval, that way they know what we are working on, how long we aim to work on it for and understand the costs involved. Once approved, we then send an invoice to the HCP company for payment.
7. Coast Physiotherapy then gets to work with our client to help achieve their goals! We also review the client’s progress for further physio as needed.